

1. The land on the sides of the rivers was fertile while t h e general area was not and this led to irrigation techniques. 2. Mesopotamia's major cities included Baghdad, Babylon and Nippur. 3. Baghdad is located in the middle of Iraq by the Tigris River; Babylon was located along the Euphrates River; Nippur was located approximately 100 miles south of Babylon. 4. Babylon was the capital of Mesopotamia. 5. Mesopotamians developed glass, the Pythagorean Theorem, and ancient sanitation techniques. 6. Mesopotamians invented the wheel in approximately 3500 BC, changing transportation forever. 7. Although most of the region that encompassed Mesopotamia is now desert, it often experienced flooding in ancient Mesopotamian times. 8. Mesopotamians farmed crops of vegetables, fruits, sesame, wheat, barley and raised pigs, sheep and cattle.  } 9. The Mesopotamians invented the seeder plow which made it possible for farmers to plow and seed at the same time, savi...